Search Results for: SO-369

Mayers Hematoxylin SO-369


Category: Individual Order Item


4-Chloro-1-Napthol Stock Solution (B-172-1) Acetic Acid, 0.1pct Aqueous (SO-864) Acetic Acid, 0.2pct Aqueous (SO-250) Acetic Acid, 0.5pct Aqueous (SO-251) Acetic Acid, 1pct Aqueous (SO-252) Acetic Acid, 2pct Aqueous (SO-253) Acetic Acid, 3pct Aqueous (SO-254) Acetic Acid, 5pct Aqueous (SO-255) Acetic Acid, 10pct Aqueous (SO-256) Acetic Acid, 12pct Aqueous (SO-257) Acetic Acid, Glacial (SO-618) Acetic Acid-Phosphotungstic […]


Nuclear Fast Red dye solutions (also known as Kernechtrot solutions) are useful for analyzing multiple sample types including hematologic elements, bone and calcium, carbohydrates and mucosubstances, connective tissue, and fats and lipids.  Often used in conjunction with silver oxidizing solutions. NUCLEAR FAST RED FOR BLOOD AND HEMATOLOGIC ELEMENTS Expected stain selectivity includes differentiation of blood […]


Hematoxylin is a natural product extracted from the heartwood of Hematoxylon campechianum trees using hot water and precipitated from solution using urea. When hematoxylin is oxidized, it yields the dye hematein. Oxidation can take place naturally via “ripening” in air (such as in the case of Ehrlich’s Hematoxylin or Delafield’s Hematoxylin solutions) or, more commonly, […]


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