- F-93 Formic Acid-Sodium Citrate Method.
- F-350 Van Gieson’s Method for Collagen Fibers
- F-352 Biebrich Scarlet and Picric Aniline Blue Stain
- F-355 Lillie’s Allochrome Method
- F-356 Puchtler-Sweat Method for Basement Membranes
- F-357 PIcrosirius Red Staining of Cardiac Muscle Following Phosphomolybdic Acid Treatment
- F-360 Mallory’s Aniline Blue Collagen Stain
- F-362 Masson’s Trichrome Stain
- F-364 Lillie’s Modification of Masson’s Trichrome
- F-367 Masson’s Trichrome for Connective Tissure
- F-369 A Modified Verhoeff Elastic-Van Gieson
- F-370 Weigert’s Resorcin Fuchsin
- F-371 Verhoeff’s Elastic Tissue Stain
- F-374 Verhoeff’s Van Gieson’s (VVG)
- F-375 Mollier’s Quadruple Stain
- F-378 Gomori’s Aldehyde Fuchsin Method
- F-379 Hart’s Method for Elastic Fibers
- F-380 Fraser-Lendrum Method for Fibrin
- F-381 Carstairs Method for Fibrin and Platelets
- F-382 Mallory’s Phosphotungstic Acid Hematoxylin Method
- F-383 Gomori’s One-Step Trichrome
- F-384 Movat’s Pentachrome Method
- F-385 Modified Movat’s
- F-386 Goldner’s Trichrome Method
- F-390 Bielschowsky’s Method
- F-392 Wilder Modification of Bielschowsky’s Method
- F-393 Gormori’s Method for Reticulum
- F-394 Manuel’s Method for Reticulum
- F-395 Snook’s Method for Reticulum
- F-396 Jones Method for Kidney
- F-400 Ayoub-Shklar Method for Keratin and Prekeratin
- F-401 Dane’s Method for Prekeratin, Keratin, and Mucin